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About us
Amber is a leading international investment manager. For over 15 years, we have mobilised capital into essential, responsible infrastructure.
What we do
We source, finance and manage infrastructure assets for both the public and private sectors, applying an integrated approach throughout the lifecycle of each investment.
Amber develops and invests across a wide range of infrastructure sectors, each characterised by a long-term investment horizon and robust, creditworthy counterparties.
As long-term investors, we recognise the need to consider how a changing world could impact our core business activities and investments.
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Our people are essential to our success. We are committed to building exceptional teams, maintaining our unique entrepreneurial spirit, and building a culture that is inclusive and impactful.
ban checking phone whilst on his laptop


National Digital Infrastructure Fund

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Amber's presence in the digital infrastructure sector follows its thematic investment strategy of deploying capital into real  assets that deliver essential or utility-like services. Amber responded to the specific nature of the digital infrastructure opportunity by forming a dedicated team that brings together the full suite of financial, sectoral and infrastructure skills and experience needed to understand all its aspects. Amber is the Fund manager and is responsible for investment origination, ongoing asset management and fund management.

NDIF has made investments in optical fibre-based networks and related enabling infrastructure to boost connectivity across the UK.  HM Government’s commitment to NDIF reflects the priority it places on accelerating the roll-out of these networks for the UK economy. The Fund is unlocking a new source of capital for the businesses developing those networks to enable them to reach scale, supplanting outdated copper-based networks.

NDIF has invested across the capital structure in multiple platforms to provide its investors with access to a diverse and attractive range of opportunities within this emerging infrastructure asset class.

Amber Fund Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as the Manager of NDIF and to promote the Fund in the United Kingdom.

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