Cube Housing Association
Cube Housing Association
In 2015, SPRUCE provided a £5m senior debt facility to the Cube Housings Association (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Wheatley Housing Group) to be used for the part-financing of a distributed energy and building fabric improvement project for multi-story stock at Cube’s Broomhill and Gorget Estates in Glasgow.
The aim of the project was to substitute the existing electric heating and domestic hot water systems within the residences with a wet (radiator) system centrally fueled by biomass with gas back-up. Retrofit insulation also formed part of the project.
As such, the project focuses on both energy supply side carbon dioxide reductions as well as demand side energy conservation measures and has helped to alleviate fuel poverty for the Cube tenants within the units. In addition, Cube has benefited from the reduced on-going maintenance costs of a district heating scheme compared to its previous system.
Additional support for the project came from an Energy Company Obligation contribution from a major utility provider.
Key impacts and benefits
£ 0.0 m
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by UN Member States in 2015
SDGs supported:
- SPRUCE facilities have typically addressed market failure in the provision of funding to eligible projects that demonstrate a strong regeneration or low carbon rationale. Projects funded through SPRUCE have generated direct employment benefits to local populations.
- The SPRUCE fund provides affordable, flexible, repayable facilities for project sponsors, and was designed to lever significant co-investment from public sector and private sector sponsors in supporting urban renewal and employment growth through revenue-generating projects. Typically, projects will address market failure, will demonstrate a strong regeneration rationale, and will generate direct employment benefits to local residents.
- Funding is provided in the form of competitively priced senior loans, mezzanine loans and equity to eligible projects to be repaid within an agreed timescale. Funding can be provided to public, private or joint venture entities delivering regeneration or energy efficiency benefits.

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